Terpstra West Family

We hope you enjoy reading about the happenings of our family :) We would love to hear from you so please leave comments and/or email us with what you're up to. Love, Lance, Sara, Josiah, Katrina, and Hudson

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


My mom was diagnosed with cancer almost a year and a half ago...since then I've been growing out my hair to eventually cut it and donate it to "Locks of Love" (an organization that helps provide hair/wigs for children who have cancer etc) in honor of my mom...As you can see, my hair was very long, and I was able to have 10-12 inches based on my hair's different layers :)

As you can see, I have a cute new hair-doo and I'm lovin it! (Thanks Danika!)
After the hair cut, I came home with the cut hair in a zip-lock bag, and showed it to Josiah and Katrina and explained how important this hair was, and what I was doing with it etc, etc, etc,....well, the next day I thought the house seemed quiet, and so I set off to investigate... to my shock I found Katrina at the dining room table with the hair out of the bag, pony-tail holder off, spreading the hair out..."I just wanted to play with the pony tail" was her reply to my look of shock. Needless to say, Lance and I were able to salvage the hair and it will still be sent to Locks of Love :) Lesson learned, don't leave important things on the dining room table in arms reach of little ones :) Posted by Picasa


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